Egg Harbor Township
If you’re confronting criminal charges, it’s crucial not to delay in reaching out to an experienced criminal defense firm in Egg Harbor Township. Not all law firms and attorneys possess the same level of skill and dedication. When facing legal trouble, you need an attorney who isn’t hesitant to adopt an aggressive approach to your defense. Charges in Egg Harbor Township such as aggravated assault, burglary, theft, or even drug offenses can carry severe consequences, potentially resulting in time behind bars. Every moment is critical, so don’t hesitate to call us now to schedule a free consultation and begin formulating your defense strategy today. Your freedom and future depend on taking proactive steps to protect your rights and our team at Lackey & Miller, LLC is here to provide you with the strategic guidance and unwavering support you need during this challenging time.
Protecting Your Rights in Egg Harbor Township: Experienced Criminal Defense Firm
Your rights are non-negotiable, and it’s imperative that you assert them, especially when facing law enforcement questioning. While many are familiar with their Miranda Rights, too often individuals fail to assert them when confronted by authorities. It’s essential to exercise your right to remain silent and your right to speak with an attorney before providing any statement. Should you choose to provide a statement, it’s crucial to have a seasoned criminal defense attorney in Egg Harbor Township who can meticulously review it to ensure that law enforcement adhered to the law and that your rights were not infringed upon. With our team of former prosecutors at Lackey & Miller, LLC, you can trust that we possess an intimate understanding of the law and are prepared to fiercely defend your rights should they be violated by the State. When you choose us to represent you, you can rest assured that we’ll fight tirelessly to safeguard your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case.
Schedule a Free Consultation
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, don’t wait to seek help. Contact Lackey & Miller, LLC today to schedule a free consultation. During your consultation, we will listen to your concerns, discuss your legal options, and provide you with the information and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your case. Your freedom and future are too important to leave to chance. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you.

Written By Jeremy Lackey
Jeremy Lackey is a seasoned criminal attorney who served as an Assistant Prosecutor for the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office and as a Deputy Attorney General for New Jersey Office of the Attorney General, Division of Criminal Justice, before co-founding the firm Lackey & Miller, LLC.
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